Category Archives: Default
We can help you find FUNDING
May 3, 2022
- If you are a community group, charity or community association you are eligible to apply for grant funding
- call us on 01733 200906 or email and tell us what you need funding for
- We don’t hold funds as an organisation, however at no cost to you we can help you find the funding you need
- We will identify the right funder for you and even give you guidance on the application process
- Call us now for an informal chat- we have helped many groups find FUNDING
Community Asset Transfer Support
March 30, 2022
Can Do Communities has been advising Local Authorities and Community Organisations for a number of years about Community Asset Transfer. In recent times we have played a support role in the transfer of a number of Community Centre’s in South Tyneside. We have found that exploring CAT for Community Orgs can be a daunting prospect, we can offer support in: Business Planning, Setting Up Charity’s, Building Condition Survey’s, Mechanical & Electrical Building Survey’s, Governance, Legally reviewing & negotiating of Heads of terms and Lease’s, Marketing and Community Consultation. We also offer a service where we act as a broker between the LA & the Community Org to ensure a smooth CAT process.
for more information email: or call 01733 200906.
save our community buildings!
November 14, 2016
Can Do Communities join other charitable organisations in calling for major investment to save and invest in the future of vital community assets. We are involved in particular with attempting to ‘save’ local pubs and community centres, over a number of years Can Do Communities have been working with like minded organisations in assisting people with guidance, funding & capacity building support to sustain and save crucial community assets.
Pub closures are still at around 25 per month, Community Centres closures are the next ticking time bomb that will have profound damaging effects to the fabric of our communities. Some local authorities are closing ‘traditional’ community centres that host various groups for older people to meet at Luncheon Clubs and alike. Worryingly we have evidence of ‘leisure hubs being built’ by some local authorities, they typically are shiny new buildings that have a swimming pool, a franchised café and a number of commercially priced rooms for rent. Following consultation we have found that whilst ‘young mums’ for example love these places (as many fitness classes as you like on direct debit!)- many people that used to frequent their local traditional community centre have been displaced, in particular older people that meeting up for bingo or a lunch with friends was a vital social lifeline- they have been left out of the new hubs because ‘they don’t pay enough’- if this is replicated in many of our towns and cities across the UK we could be saving up a lot of trouble (including increased health & well being costs- due to older people being increasingly isolated from their community)
National Charity Locality have produced a paper on the subject of calling for a new community asset investment plan
plunkett foundation lead on support to save local community pubs
if you would like to discuss any of these issues pls contact Marvin Symes CDC director 01733 200906
Supporting Community Asset Transfer in Tyneside
September 3, 2016
Can Do Communities have been supporting South Tyneside Council and a number of charitable organisations that manage and run valuable Community Centres in the area with exploration of Community Asset Transfer. With deep spending cuts biting most local authorities around the UK the authority have been working hard in giving capable charitable groups the best chance of successfully taking over their community building on a long term lease agreement. CDC working with other partners have been working with the groups in question and the LA in providing; capacity building, sourcing Capital & Revenue funding, Business Planning, Building Surveys, Organisational Health Checks, Developing new income streams, Crowdfunding & Community Consultation.
If you are a community organisation or a Local Authority that requires assistance with Community Asset Transfer then please contact us at or call 01733 200906
NEW Celebrate Funding available!
August 19, 2016
Six out of ten people surveyed say they cannot remember ever coming together to celebrate with their community. The Big Lottery Fund wants to help change this with their fantastic Celebrate! programme.
Big Lottery are offering grants of between £300 and £10,000 for groups to hold one off events or activities which celebrate their local community.
You could celebrate something from your community’s history or a local hero. Or maybe it’s a chance to bring people together to get to know their neighbours better.
Big Lottery have a total of £3.875m for projects in England. (rolling programme until money allocated)
What will you celebrate?
contacts for guidance:
Marvin Symes (Can Do Communities) 01733 200906
Big Lottery helpline 0345 410 2030