Supporting Community Asset Transfer in Tyneside
September 3, 2016
Can Do Communities have been supporting South Tyneside Council and a number of charitable organisations that manage and run valuable Community Centres in the area with exploration of Community Asset Transfer. With deep spending cuts biting most local authorities around the UK the authority have been working hard in giving capable charitable groups the best chance of successfully taking over their community building on a long term lease agreement. CDC working with other partners have been working with the groups in question and the LA in providing; capacity building, sourcing Capital & Revenue funding, Business Planning, Building Surveys, Organisational Health Checks, Developing new income streams, Crowdfunding & Community Consultation.
If you are a community organisation or a Local Authority that requires assistance with Community Asset Transfer then please contact us at or call 01733 200906
We'd love to hear from call, fax, email or pop in and visit us.